Youth Ministry
We believe children should be a part of the worship experience – squirming, questions, and all that comes with that involvement. So don’t worry parents! The church loves to see the children (and I’m told, even hear them!) and God loves to hear the parents’ prayers as they attempt to guide their children through the new experiences of worshipping as the priesthood of all believers.
Children’s Message: The children will be invited to the front of the church for a special Children’s Message.
Worship Bags: These bags are available to help children keep their hands active during the service. They are hanging on puppy dog tail hooks, next to the upper restroom.
Nursery Care
Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers throughout the year. Please see an usher so they may introduce you to the individual(s) caring for your child(ren) that Sunday. The nursery care is available for the entire worship service or a portion, whichever your family needs.
Sunday School
September-May, 10:45-11:30 AM
After worship, kids of all ages will move downstairs for varying Sunday School programs tailored for preschoolers through adult learners.
Our Preschoolers and Kindergarteners experience Bible stories, songs, and activities while having a space for imaginative play. Allowing even our youngest learners to discover the wonders of faith. Our 1st – 5th graders experience interactive lessons designed to engage children in meaningful exploration of biblical teachings. Our Middle School (6th – 8th) and High Schoolers (9th – 12th) experience relevant discussions and activities to help navigate life’s challenges with faith and wisdom.